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The Art of Intimacy

The Art of Intimacy

We are Each a Living Work of Art



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We have all been at a party or at the airport or mall and watched people. Mostly we are looking at their clothes or their hair or their shape and ranking them for beauty. We judge their appearance and often, that is as far as we get. There is so much more to each of us than just the way we look.

The way we ‘hold’ ourselves says everything about how we’re feeling. Our attitudes, prejudices, and preferences affect everything we say, everything we do, and the appearance we put forth.

Sometimes we just don’t have the energy to do any better. We think to ourselves, if we can just get thru the day or the week or this month, then we’ll think about working on our look. Or maybe the world will just have to deal with it.

One of the syndromes of the lack of Intimacy in our life is that we have forgotten how to feel within ourselves and have adopted the superficial judgements put forth by our society. We have created artificial behaviors to take the place of feelings we don’t want to have, which has numbed our awareness and stifled our ability to express ourselves.

The sad part is that what we feel inside is often so painful, we’ll do just about anything to NOT feel. What’s sadder still, is that many of us live our entire lives doing our best to avoid feeling anything that does not make us happy. This is one of the root causes of the rampant diseases we are experiencing.

When we care enough to make ourselves our priority, simply because we’re worth it, it shows in everything we do. This affects us far more deeply than we may be aware of and it also affects everyone around us, directly and indirectly.

Feelings, even when you’re not feeling them, are still there.

When our negative emotions are not addressed and healed, they can become like an infection that is ignored and can destroy its host. This also can leave us more vulnerable to opportunistic and potentially dangerous energy that lurks in our world.

Life is all about experiencing different emotions and yet we do our best to avoid as many as possible. Emotions can and do become toxic to the system when they are un-addressed. Intimacy can be a protective barrier and healing balm  for the infectious feelings that we are bound to encounter in life.

Applied Intimacy creates a richness in our lives that could be described as a form of art. Many are the times that I have used the art of Intimacy in a situation that might have had a very negative outcome had I not. The other party walked away a little confused about what just happened, realizing that the fight they expected didn’t occur. They actually felt like they had been heard and validated even if they didn’t get what they thought they wanted.


You don’t have to be beautiful in the eyes of society to invoke beauty in who you are and in the things you do. It’s not about the clothes or the hair or shape of your body. It’s about the beauty you feel within and allowing yourself to infuse your every thought, word, and action with that beauty until you become a living work of art that graces every room you enter.

Bless and love everyone you meet and everything you do.

This IS intimacy.




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