Many Ponderations

Writing is an intimate thing. I often write about what I'm witnessing and how it makes me feel.
Sometimes it won't leave me alone until I do. 

The thoughts, ideas, dreams, and visions that present themselves to me, run from profound to outrageous,
and quite often hilarious - sometimes, all three.

You will find some common threads in many of my writings - Courage being one of the main points.
Integrity; Discernment; Justice. Profundity; Intimacy; Humor. Sorrow; Hope; Relentlessness.
These are words and concepts woven throughout everything I think, do, and say.
Along with the occasional expletive because sometimes, you just have to cuss and throw things.
Nothing else will do.

I hope my ponderings bring you to laughter and tears, joy and heartbreak - not necessarily in that order.
Most of all, I hope they inspire you to create a better world for yourself and those around you.  


Contact & Contributions

I am dedicated to the upliftment of our social consciousness. If you find that you have enjoyed this site and would like to contact me, you can send a message from the Contact page under Important Links. 

If you are so moved and would like to support what I do, just click on the button below. 
Feel free to share the RTM site with others who may enjoy it,
and know that your enthusiasm, courage, and support are much appreciated!


Whether we admit it or not, we are being warred upon and it is hard to tell who the real enemy is. If you have never doubted that our government has the best interest of the people at heart, doubt it now.

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Living With Gaia

Living With Gaia was a vision I had, circa 2015, of the world as it might be and no-doubt is in an alternate awareness. Re-membering this world makes it a challenge for me to reside in our current reality.

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The Depths of Emotion

Emotions are our greatest tool, yet we often choose not to feel if we can help it. Our predicament stems from our lack of emotional cognition. Unfortunately, there are those who are using this to their advantage - much to our destruction.

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Of Women & Men

Standing on the shore, the current pulls at me, the winds push at me, and the sands are shifting beneath my feet.

I am the foundation of Life and the bedrock of this Earth. The forces upon it cannot move me.

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The Fear Factor

Fear of the unknown has plagued Mankind since we awakened on this planet. It is always best to know your 'enemy' and the true nature of it. Knowledge and Courage are two of the greatest tools at our disposal.

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the Hero's Journey

The Dark Night of the Soul is intrinsic to the Hero's Journey. You may feel you are dying, but it is really the pains of re-birth. Once your journey has begun, there is no going back and no blue pill that will return you to the way you... Read more

The Power of Intention

ALL Humans need the same things – clean air, water, and food; shelter; love; community; and a sense of purpose. Considering the abundance on our planet, it is clear there is enough for all and no reason to take from another. 

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The Importance of Perspective

How often does what we think we are experiencing have nothing to do with the reality of the situation?  How often do we refuse to consider alternatives, even when they have been offered with evidence?

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